Property Brothers Lawsuit Situation Getting Worse (New Developments)

As we all know, reality television isn't necessarily always 100% reflective of reality. In the case of Paul and Mindy who were featured on HGTV's Property Brothers, they found that even home renovation shows might not exactly be as they seem.

For those unfamiliar with the show, the premise is that homeowners enlist the help of the "Property Brothers," Jonathan and Drew Scott to help renovate their home into their dream home.

What we didn't know about the show is that HGTV isn't footing the bill. In this case, Paul and Mindy handed over $193,000 to the Property Brothers production team with the hopes of having their dream renovation come to life.


A Real Life Nightmare

As it turns out, their dream would actually gravitate more toward a nightmare than anything else.

The issues seem to start right from the reveal of the home.

In the automotive industry, a "10 footer" is a car that might look good from 10 feet away and maybe have some shine in pictures. When you get close to a "10 footer," though, you'll soon find that it's actually a mess.

In this case, it feels like Paul and Mindy's renovation is a "10 footer" in its own right.

Sure, we find some nice materials and finishes. However, the installation seems to leave much to be desired and beneath it all, there are code violations to boot - the electric in the house isn't up to an acceptable level.

To make matters worse, there seem to be gaps everywhere including in a set of french doors that refuse to close and leak when it rains.

The Lawsuit

As far as the lawsuit itself goes, the Scott Brothers aren't mentioned. We're making a bit of an assumption here but it wouldn't come as a surprise if they're just the faces of the show and don't really do any of the heavy lifting.

Instead, the production company and their contractor are the ones who were named in the suit.

Property Brother Jonathan's lawyer issued a statement to KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas that "Mindy and Paul rejected attempts by the contractor to fix "punch list items"... "Instead, in what appears to be an attempt to secure a substantial monetary settlement [Mindy and Paul] have engaged in a negative publicity campaign against the brothers."

Mindy and Paul retort that the issues go far beyond a punch list. They insist that they would like for all of the issues to be remedied at the same time instead of the piecemeal approach that they say contractors have been taking to fix issues so far.

More Homeowners Come Forward 

A second ongoing lawsuit has been filed in the same vein against the production company, Cineflix, and a different contractor.