World's Last Blockbuster Converted to 90s Hangout Available to Rent on AirBnB

Most of us in the later half of our 20s and beyond can remember the vibe of a Blockbuster video store. In a phenomenon that might be difficult to explain to someone growing up in the era of streaming video, we would actually head to a store to rent our movies.

These days, it isn't so much the store that reels in the nostalgia as it is the experience. There is just such a wonderful vibe about the feeling of driving to Blockbuster or your other local movie store chain to pick up a video game or VHS tape.

Not only were we going to be able to immerse ourselves in a fantasy world for a little bit. It also signaled the end of a hard work or school week and all of the fun that was about to come with the weekend.

When we think about it, Blockbuster really lucked out to be the brand associated with the relaxation that comes on the weekend. Returning your videos on Sunday night was always a bummer, though!

These days, with nostalgia from the store far in the rearview, there is just a single Blockbuster location remaining.

Out in Bend, Oregon, fans of the former rental giant can now have a sleepover.

On AirBnB, the advertisement reads more like an opportunity to hop in a time machine than a real estate rental ad.

The text tells us that "When you call dibs on this stay, you’re booking a night back in the 90s, but this time you won’t have to beg your parents to rent the latest horror flick–we’ll give you the keys to the entire store!"

It seems like the owners of the store have renovated it to allow guests to spend a movie night inside. From check-in to check-out, they're promised access to the entire store, disinfected via CDC guidelines between each stay.

The space is targeted at taking a walk down memory lane with the help of a pull-out couch, bean bags, and pillows. There's even a very 90s bedspread to make it feel like you're back in the golden age. These will allow guests to feel right at home as they crack into the "New Releases" straight out of the 90s.

Guests are encouraged to crack open their favorite soda and snacks as well. After all, rummaging through the candy was always a big part of the Blockbuster experience.

After the limited run of guests, the store will remain open for customers to check out the sleepover setup for a limited time.

The ad concludes by telling us that "Our BLOCKBUSTER store is open because of the incredible local community in Bend, and we’ve been grateful to have the support of those beyond our town as the coronavirus pandemic has impacted our business. To celebrate and pay it forward in this tradition of support, Airbnb will make a donation to the Humane Society of Central Oregon, a longtime partner of ours."

Three separate stays for up to four people will be available on 9/18, 9/19 and 9/20. The AirBnB offering appears to only available for those in the local vicinity of the store.

Update: It would appear as if all bookings have been filled.